
2011, Canadá

Combatting the victim-blaming of survivors of sexual violence, asserting women’s autonomy over their bodies, advocating that sexuality is political.

The SlutWalk movement emerged in 2011 in response to comments made by a Canadian police officer (Michael Sanguinetti) at the University of Toronto, following several cases of sexual violence at that institution. Michael Sanguinetti suggested that women should avoid dressing provocatively, using the term “sluts”. This comment sparked online outrage against victim-blaming based on clothing and/or behavior, gaining media coverage. The movement grew rapidly and spontaneously, taking to the streets in the 2011 SlutWalk Toronto. The protests expanded globally, reaching 40 countries and 200 cities in 2011, uniting feminist groups under the theme “Because we have had enough”. Portugal also joined the transnational movement in 2011 with SlutWalk Porto and SlutWalk Lisbon, also known as “Marcha das Galdérias”, held annually.

Scientific output within the scope of this case study


Presentations by invitation

Movimentos feministas nos media portugueses: que voz tem o ativismo?

Sónia Lamy

Open Lecture “Jornalismo, Comunicação e Cultura”, Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Online Format

November 29, 2023

Ativismos feministas glocais: reflexões a partir do caso português

Carla Cerqueira

October 11, 2022

Peer-reviewed Presentations

Movimento SlutWalk em Portugal: Uma Análise da Cobertura Jornalística

Carla Cerqueira, Célia Taborda & Ana Sofia Pereira

3.º Congresso RNEC – Rede Nacional de Estudos Culturais, ISCAP, Oporto, Portugal

July 11 - 12, 2024

Movimentos feministas glocais: Ações de resistência nas redes e nas ruas

Carla Cerqueira, Célia Taborda & Ana Sofia Pereira

April 27 – 28, 2023

Ativismos feministas transnacionais contemporâneos: Entre o digital e o presencial

Carla Cerqueira, Célia Taborda & Ana Sofia Pereira

IV International Conference Activisms in Africa, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

January 25 – 27, 2023

Movimento feminista como forma de resistência à cultura hegemónica: entre as redes e as ruas

Célia Taborda Silva, Carla Cerqueira & Ana Sofia Pereira

December 5 – 7, 2022
